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It is Finished! ... Or Isn’t It?

Fred Farrokh
Man in black tunic with outstretched hands over the body of a man lying on the ground
"Passion Plays" during Ashura

The tragedy of Islam is that it strives to diminish the magnitude of the Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of accurately portraying Jesus as the Divine Son of God, Islam depicts Jesus as a mere prophet who paved the way for Muhammad.


Nevertheless, a key moment in human history occurred when the Lord Jesus stated from the Cross, “It is Finished” (John 19:30)! In doing so, Jesus states that the plan of salvation is complete. The blood of Jesus, God’s Son, dealt with the separation between God and humans due to sin. Jesus would confirm this by rising from the dead.


The Ashura Holiday
Ta'zieh --"condolences for mourning" passion plays

According to the standard Islamic narrative, Muhammad died in Medina in western Arabia in A.D. 632. The Muslim community soon split, as the majority considered the new leader of the community to be Abu Bakr. A rival group backed Muhammad’s cousin, Ali. Therefore, the group became known as “the Party of Ali,” or “Shi’at Ali” in Arabic. This branch became known as “Shi’ites” for short. Presently, most Shi’ites live in Iran, Iraq, Pakistan, Syria, Lebanon, and the Gulf countries.


Instead of the leadership of the Muslim community remaining in the hands of Muhammad’s direct descendants, the Sunnis retained power within their own hands. The Sunni Umayyad Caliph Mu’awiya refused to allow the leadership of the Muslim community to pass back into the hands of the holy family. Mu’awiya’s son, Yazid, in A.D. 680, attacked the entourage of Muhammad’s grandson, Husayn, at Karbala, Iraq, murdering the males, including Husayn.
Costumed Warriors Commemorating Ashura in Iran

On July 16, 2024, the main subgrouping of Muslims, the Shi’ites, will mark a key holiday. This falls on the tenth day of the Islamic month of Muharram. Ashura is an Arabic/Aramaic word meaning “tenth.” On each of the first ten days of Muharram, Shi’ites mourn the deaths of the entourage of Muhammad’s grandson, Husayn. On the Tenth of Muharram, the mourning period climaxes with the commemoration of the anniversary of the martyrdom of Imam Husayn. Some even make pilgrimage to Imam Husayn’s tomb in Karbala, which is the most holy site within Shi’ism itself.


Each year, Shi’ites re-enact, through “passion plays,” the deaths of Imam Husayn and his family.* These “Tazieh” (meaning, “condolences for mourning”) passion plays feature a highly emotional and even mystical component, as participants feel they reach a spiritual union with their departed imams.


Four Shi’ite Figures Who Eclipse the Lord Jesus
Shrine of Husain in Karbala

When examining Shi’ite doctrine and practice, one observes that the role of Jesus is always incomplete. Jesus is a supporting actor, but He is not center stage. Note four important Shi’ite leaders who eclipse Jesus:


  • Muhammad is the perfect example and final prophet, not Jesus. Jesus’ role in Islam is to assure people he never claimed divinity, and to announce another prophet is coming after him. Muhammad plays the central role.

  • The government rests of the shoulders of the ideal ruler, Imam Ali, rather than on the shoulders of Christ.

  • Imam Husayn demonstrates sacrifice and righteous suffering, while Islam denies Jesus’ work on the Cross.

  • In the Islamic view of end times, Jesus will come again but only as an assistant or co-laborer with the “Mahdi,” whom they believe to be the long hidden Twelfth Imam of Shi’ism.


These four Islamic figures minimize the role of Jesus. To the contrary, the Bible states that human history hinges on the crucifixion and resurrection of the Lord Jesus. At that time, Jesus finished the plan of salvation. However, in Islam, Jesus did not finish the work of salvation!


A Christian Revival among Shi’ites


Bible open with light rays coming over it
Open Bible

The groundswell movement to Christ among many of the world’s Muslims includes many Shi’ites. Twelver Shi’ism is the ruling ideology of Iran. Many Iranians have become disaffected with Islam and are looking for spiritual alternatives. They have come to realize that the blood of Imam Husayn cannot forgive sins. They also observe that the disciples of Imam Husayn are corrupt rulers, not spiritual leaders.


Thus, God has orchestrated history to help Shi’ites become disillusioned with Islam. The Holy Spirit is drawing many Shi’ites throughout the world to faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen! It is finished!


*Watch Short video documentary



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