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WASLA exists to provide spiritual encouragement to Muslim background believers in Christ (MBBs). Presently, we are providing video segments that address issues commonly faced by MBBs. We pray that in all things, Jesus will be glorified.

Watch WASLA videos on YouTube


The Sharif Bible is an Arabic translation of the Bible for Muslim readers and for those who have come to faith in Christ from Islam. Translation professionals agree it is the clearest and most understandable Arabic Bible on the market today.

The Sharif Bible website has an Arabic Bible in audio format and offers multiple books in Arabic as a free download.

They also produce a prayer guide for each year to assist believers in praying for Muslims.  You can also sign up to receive weekly emails with the prayer requests. 


Global Christian Relief is dedicated to one simple goal:  Meeting the needs of millions of persecuted Christians so they can be a light for the gospel in their communities and advance the Great Commission.

Over the past 50 years, we’ve done everything we can to support Christians who live in places where they experience intense persecution or discrimination. In those five decades, the oppression of Christians has risen to historic levels.

Today, hundreds of millions of Christians worldwide are attacked, arrested and falsely imprisoned for following Jesus. And you can help!

Our mission is to mobilize U.S. Christians to stand with them so they can be a light for the gospel in their communities. To help them live out the Great Commission.

Muslims Ask

There are so many questions in the depths of one’s heart that struggle for answers. You may be one of those seekers of truth who yearn to be free from inner doubts.


And so we invite you to explore our website for answers that will revolutionize your life—answers that will personally guide you on your spiritual journey from the dry sand of the desert to the well of living water, the very oasis of Allah’s mercy and compassion.

The Quran

Muslim Background Believers

Communio Messianica (CM) is a global movement founded and led by Muslim background believers (MBBs). Currently, these MBBs exist in significant numbers in all Muslim-majority countries, and most other countries, both east and west, totaling around 80 countries.


CM was founded to serve these MBBs to address the need for a sense of identity, belonging, and legitimization—thus constituting a community (Ummah) in their newfound faith in Jesus Christ. 

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Duane Alexander Miller

Check our Dr. Miller's newest book: I Will Give Them an Everlasting Name: Pastoral Care for Christ’s Converts from Islam.




What are the challenges faced by Christ's converts from Islam, and how can their Christian friends help them to overcome those challenges? In this book, Duane Miller draws on years of pastoral experience and academic research to propose practical resources and ideas that have proved successful in the past. This book is not a work of clinical counseling, but a resource ready to be read and applied by the experienced pastor as much as someone who is new to ministry among Muslim-background seekers and converts from Islam. Addressing topics from church history to baptism, and from finances to prayer, the book is being published at a time when the global Church is seeing unprecendetend numbers of new disciples coming from Muslim backgrounds, and was written to help the Church in providing them with a new and welcoming home.

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Sea Parte del Millon


To raise one million Intercessors for the missionary work of the Assemblies of God of Ibero-America with a special focus on the Muslim World.


To develop a solid continental network of intercession that cooperates with the national missionary movements of the Assemblies of God in Latin America in their efforts to reach the ends of the earth with the Gospel.

The main purpose is to involve intercessors, those who are already intercessors, as well as those who are potential intercessors, to pray for the Transcultural Missionary work, and in particular, for the breakdown of the barriers, both spiritual, cultural and traditional, that impede the advance of the gospel among Islamic countries and other religious blocks.

Mom Reading a Book to her Daughter
Praying In Mosque

Crescent Project

Our goal is to see every Muslim have an opportunity to respond to the Gospel and be connected to a true follower of Jesus.

With a unique perspective based on decades of serving Muslims, Crescent Project equips thousands every year through the highly-regarded Bridges curriculum and through conferences and seminars.

PO Box 2730 Springfield, MO 65801   417-866-3313   
©2023 by Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples  
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