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Join over 60,000 Christians in praying for
Muslims each Friday.  When Muslims go
to the Mosque, Christians around
the world are interceding
for their salvation. 

April 26, 2024

Please pray for...

...discipleship opportunities for Adnan, a Lebanese Muslim who read about Jesus (Isa) in the Quran. Wanting further truth about Jesus, Adnan contacted a Christian pastor who led him to Christ. After his conversion, Adnan says, “It’s the first time in my life I have felt peace.”

…spiritual growth for Malik, a former Muslim. As a successful aircraft mechanic in the Arab Gulf, Malik’s expertise often required him to travel. While in the United States, he was invited to church and heard the gospel for the first time. He says, “I met the extraordinary Christ.”

…the success of a new church in Cyprus. The pastor says, “This is a safe haven for refugees from the surrounding Middle East region. Most of these refugees are former Muslims. With the removal of the obstacles they faced in their home countries, many are choosing Christ.”

Jumaa Prayer Live for Friday, April 19

2024 World Watch List: Afghanistan (10/50)*

Women and family Burka in Kabul City on

Watch Prayercast video on Afghanistan 

Nearly all of the some 40 million people in this Southern Asian nation follow Islam. The Taliban, an extremist group created in 1994, ruled Afghanistan from 1996 to 2001 and took control again in August 2021. Even though no country recognizes its governance, the Taliban rules with an iron fist, imposing strict Islamic law. Women and girls have lost their former rights to jobs and education. Sanctions against the country, the decline of opium exports, and high unemployment have brought economic disaster; more than 90% now live in poverty. Christians are not tolerated and find no support from family, community, or state. House churches have been sought out and closed, and impoverished people are paid to inform on secret believers. Let’s pray for Afghanistan.

  • Pray for God’s protection over the few believers here, and that they would sense Jesus’ presence with them.

  • When the Taliban retook the nation in 2021, most Christians fled, and those left behind have even less opportunity for fellowship and support. Pray that the Holy Spirit would lead these believers to sources—other people or various media—that can help nurture and encourage them in the faith.

  • Pray for the hundreds of thousands of Afghans refugees living in camps in surrounding countries, that they might hear the Good News of Jesus through believers living or serving in the camps.

  • Pray that the Spirit would move in the hearts of Taliban leaders and other extremists, revealing the Truth to them through dreams, visions, and divine encounters.

Watch Prayercast video on Afghanistan

Additional Prayer

Image by Ignacio Ceballos


According to a worker, thousands of people are still suffering from last September’s deadly earthquake near Marrakesh. Some suffer physically and economically, but the most serious issue is the emotional trauma that deeply affects many. The suicide rate has risen as many give in to their hopelessness. Praise God, many leaders in the international churches in the country have been trained to provide trauma counseling. Pray that as they guide people toward emotional healing, they would have divine opportunities to lead them to the One who gives eternal Hope.

Image by James Wiseman



A worker in a Muslim-majority nation shares several requests:

  • Pray that authorities would allow an international fellowship to purchase the building where they are currently renting space, allowing them greater flexibility for activities and ministry.

  • Pray that God would open the door for a certain Arabic-speaking pastor from another country to come work with this fellowship and to begin a house church.

  • While Christian expatriates in this nation are allowed to meet and worship, citizens are forbidden to join them. Recently, however, two locals attended a meeting, were saved, and are now being discipled. Pray for their protection, spiritual growth, and witness to others—and that the Spirit would draw others in to hear!

"Our prayers may be awkward. Our attempts may be feeble. But since the power of prayer is in the one who hears it and not in the one who says it, our prayers do make a difference."
- Max Lucado

For more information on how to pray for people around
the world, visit 
World AG Missions Prayer Network 

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