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Join over 60,000 Christians in praying for
Muslims each Friday.  When Muslims go
to the Mosque, Christians around
the world are interceding
for their salvation. 

July 19, 2024

Please pray for...

…safety for Mira Jarali in Bangladesh. Upon hearing of his conversion, Muslims nearly beat him to death. He declared: “They can destroy the body, but not the spirit. I will never leave Jesus.”

…protection for Muslims who are coming to the Lord in Sudan. A pastor says, “In spite of persecution, we rejoice that many Muslims are following Jesus and entering the church.”

…the release of two Christian filmmakers in Malaysia—imprisoned for producing a film that “blasphemes Islam.” The film centers on a young Muslim girl who questions Islam.

And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations,
and then the end will come.

(Mt 24:14)

Pray for Mali

World Watch List #14

Christians remain in a highly precarious position given the rising influence of Islamic militancy in the country. Violence against civilians, Christians in particular, and Christians in buildings and churches remain very high. They targeted Christians, the school, and other government institutions, as well as some Muslims.

But there has been good news in the past year. Despite prominent Muslim leaders calling for Mali to become a "multiconfessional state", which raised concerns among Christians over what this could mean for them as a minority religion, in June, Malians approved a draft constitution that included the country remaining a secular state. Furthermore, the new constitution is being touted as a step toward elections in 2024, a return to civilian rule and stronger governance. There is hope that it will lead to greater protection of all Malians, including the country's vulnerable Christian minority.

  • Please pray for courage and safety for Christians living at risk of attack from Islamic militants

  • Pray that those affected by persecution will have a profound experience of God's comfort

  • Ask that elections will go ahead this year, leading to stronger, just governance in Mali.

Additional Prayer



Thank you for praying with us for the efforts of teams to erect steel tabernacles for churches around this nation. There were victories, as footings were poured for 11 buildings in places that had no worship site of their own. Guinean pastors and believers are learning the process so they can do the work in the future. Pastors were encouraged as team members sat with them, heard their stories of the spiritual battles in this Muslim- and animist-dominated land, and shared God’s Word with their congregations. Though rains hampered some of the work, there were no accidents or sickness.


The container with the tabernacles did not arrive, and is in fact still en route, with some complications. Please pray that these issues will be worked out and the materials delivered safely to Conakry. Teams will return after the rainy season to erect the buildings and to continue training the Guinean team in this process. A team leader asks us to pray

  • that the Lord would use this season of waiting to strengthen the churches and to empower believers to stand firm in the midst of spiritual battle and reap a great harvest;

  • “for spiritual strongholds to be broken”;

  • that “pastors would be encouraged by the partnership with [this] mission that shares their vision of seeing a healthy, vibrant Guinean church within walking distance of everyone in Guinea.”


For more information on how to pray for people around the world, visit 
World AG Missions Prayer Network 

"The 'dwellers in the dark' have found the Light.

The glad Good News has banished heathen night.

The message of the Cross, so long delayed,

Has brought them life at last, 
Because you prayed." 


Charles B. Bowser

PO Box 2730 Springfield, MO 65801   417-866-3313   
©2023 by Global Initiative: Reaching Muslim Peoples  
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